Predavanje: Transport Phenomena Research

  25. rujna 2018.   od 12:00 do 14:00   Velika vijećnica


In the lecture I will present results of research of transport phenomena performed at the Laboratory for transport phenomena in solids and fluids of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor, Slovenia. In the talk, I will focus on the subject of numerical modelling applied at describing engineering problems in the field of transport phenomena (over design, freeze drying simulations, turbulence, natural gas consumption). I will present the physics behind the phenomena, give a brief overview of the numerical methods used to develop a simulation tools, and finally present results of our investigations.


Prof. dr. Jure Ravnik (male, born 1973) received a Dipl.-Ing. in physics at the University of Ljubljana and a PhD in mechanical engineering at the University of Maribor. He is employed by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor since 2003. He spent more than a year as a guest researcher and postdoc at foreign universities such as University of Udine in Italy, University of Erlangen in Germany and Wessex Institute in Great Britain. Focus of his research is modelling and simulation of transport phenomena. He specializes in the development of (fast) boundary element method in the fields of fluid flow and heat transfer.

He published 55 original scientific papers in international journals, gave 14 invited lectures at scientific conferences, lectured at 13 universities and is a reviewer for 40 international journals and an editorial board member of Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. He attended many scientific conferences and collaborated on several industrial projects. He was the principal investigator of several research projects on modelling transport phenomena and the use of boundary element method.

He is currently the head of the Laboratory for transport phenomena in solids and fluids of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor, Slovenia.
